
Monday, 24 January 2011


Today the day was rather monotonous, I would say boring. The school as usual. Planned promenad to a concert with the friends. It canceled, but I'm not upset. On the street a terrible cold. Very cold. I had to wear a sweater. And it was still cold.

Every day, I often think of the tattoo. This is an important step in life and you need to consider all the details. I want to get a tattoo, but I do not know that it will be pictured or written, in what place it will. Therefore, do it soon, I will not, but think about it every day. Someday I'll find something that can be saved in the inscription on the body. Most likely it will be a phrase that means a lot to me.

something like this

Translation: Привет!
Сегодня день прошел довольно однообразно, я бы сказала, что скучно. В школе все как обычно. Планировался поход на праздник с классом. Она отменилась, но я и не расстроилась.
На улице ужасный мороз. Очень холодно. Пришлось одевать теплый свитер. И все равно было холодно. 

Каждый день я все чаще думаю о тату. Это важный шаг в жизни и нужно продумать все до мелочей. Я хочу сделать татуировку, но не знаю что на ней будет изображено или написано, в каком месте она будет. Поэтому делать в ближайшее время я ее не буду, но думаю о ней каждый день. Когда нибудь я найду то, что можно сохранить в надписи на теле. Скорее всего это будет фраза, которая много значит для меня. 


  1. i want a tattoo too, but i never get the chance to do it. maybe this summer. thanks for your lovely comment. I like your blog and i'm going to follow you.

  2. Thank you for your comment too!
    Why do you think you have no chance to do it? You must believe in the fulfillment of your desires and goals.

  3. well, I almost never have some free time... + I always change my mind when it comes on what should it be.

  4. exactly agree with you. ideas are always changing

  5. ok so i totally commented a long comment and it's not showing up.....?

  6. I'm planning on getting a tattoo as well. I want to ink it on in September or so ;) I'm not gonna tell what it will be, but it has something to do with body functions as well, and I want it on my ribcage (it's sooo gonna hurt, but i don't care xD).

    I'm following you btw ;p

  7. thank you for comment! you are so brave :) I hope that it will turn out well anyway.

  8. wow, so cool tattoo!
    if you are interested, please check out my lifestyle blog:

  9. yeah its cool having tatoos on but in my case im still a student.. and i still dont think that i will handle the pain of tattooing though....


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